What If / Science Insider

As an animation producer at Insider, I worked on several fully animated YouTube videos for Science Insider’s “What If”, a series dedicated to using science to explain the outcomes of hypothetical (often apocalyptic) scenarios. Though these hypothetical outcomes are often grim, they’re brought to life through playful, character-driven animation.

Animation: Dorian Barranco
Illustration: Dorian Barranco, iStock
Character rigs: Andrea Schmitz
Script & Narration: Shira Polan


Since “What If” dealt with a lot of scientific subject matter, storyboarding was key to make sure the concepts were being communicated clearly. I always started with a set of rough thumbnails before moving on to illustration and animation. Here are the storyboards for “What If Humans Tried to Land on Saturn.”

 Other What If videos…


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